What can I say about Berlin… it is truely an amazing place with lots to do… unfortunately I am exhausted after my trip to Berlin and while I have lots to say, the pillow also calls.
I did, however, among the highlights:
1) Go up the TV tower and eat in the rotating restaurant.
2) Visit the East Side Gallery, 1200m of Original Wall
3) Through the Brandenburg Gate — quite emotional actually.
4) Visit Potsdam Platz — a populated expanse of concret and metal
5) Find two gay saunas by accident, didn’t visit.
6) Shop.
7) Watch an ad on the U-Bahn about having your ticket in case you get inspected, and then, within seconds, get inspected.
8) Get blisters on my feet. I need new shoes!!!
More will be revealed in upcoming blog entries, and I still have a couple things to say about the UK.
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