Today I went down into the cellar and hauled out a bicycle, which I then rode for a few hours. I started by heading to North Weimar to the site of a supposedly gay disco.. JC Nordlicht. I’d say more about the disco, but I don’t really know what to say about the exterior of the building. It’s there.
From there I biked down to the main train station where after a few minutes of searching I was able to locate the current issue of The Economist, which made me very happy. I hopped on the bike and made my way to the Residenz Cafe, where I had a big chicken salad (I learned the German word for Chicken this week) and a bottle of water.
Once I was done with that I bicycled over a bridge where I watched a swan trying the scratch its back and then biked through a large park, including around a few buildings which I suspect are supposed to be art, but are in fact, butt ugly.
Eventually I found myself at home, with the current issue of The Economist sitting in my mailbox. It seems my subscription started with the current issue.
sounds like Germany is a blast; I wish we had the public toilets here in the States. Thomas Crapper would be proud !