
August 2004


Weimar Tanzt

So, as some of you may recall, I had originally planned to go to a concert this weekend in order to see my favorite DJ, Kai Tracid, perform his magic. However, as you may have surmised, that did not happen. I didn’t feel like staying up all night to see him perform because, in fact, he was the last act of the show, from 7-9:30 Sunday morning.

Somebody at the office said, “Isn’t that early?,” when in reality the correct observation was, “Why so incredibly late?”

To make up for it, I had a bit of luck. Last night was the Weimar Tanzt. Whatever that means, it appeared to mean that last night there were six separate stages playing different kinds of music for different people.

I’d noticed the stages being put up earlier, had picked up a flyer, but not really bothered to try and understand the flyer, rather I emerged from a lovely Italian restaurant (with great art on the wall), to streets filled with people-so I investigated. The first stage had some horrible music of some kind- I can’t recall the specific genre right now but I imagine it to consist of an accordion accompanying a harmonica. Needless to say the crowd was small but supportive.

I wandered through two other stages before finding the one in the Theaterplatz, which described in German consisted of:

Allerneueste Kl-ng auf dem Theaterplatz: Die Musik der Streedance…

According to my trusty pal, Babel Fish, this is:

All-newest Klaeng at the theatre place: The music of the Streedance era. It determines a driving of the youth in the roads of the Brossstaedte (music siet 1984, Funky, HipHop, R’n B, from Michael Jackson to Eminem and Missy Elliot etc.) since Jahryehnten. The Nasty Stilistics “the prominent Breakdance groups of Germany” the yeigen American “Battledance”. Impressive Akrobatik and Stunts!

Whatever it was, exactly, it consisted of a team of male dancers dancing to music provided by a DJ-and yes Michael Jackson was included in the mix. I spent an hour at the crowded platz, only broken by my desperate search for a toilet-both times failed in principle. It was a great deal of fun.

2 comments to Weimar Tanzt

  • Chris C

    Weimar Tanzt — Weimar Dance? Might this be a different form of “tanzen” which means, “dance”?

  • I think the more correct interpretation is “ball” — in the sense that people attend balls… but I am not sure.