A few notes: Germany has switched its clocks back, which means that- well, nothing, we are still the same relative time apart except for Indiana and Arizona. In those states, I’m one hour closer-except in Evansville and Gary. This gets too complicated.
I had a horrid headache today. I also learned that my neighbors- living […]
Today I was excited when I went shopping at Müller in downtown Weimar. Müller is a store that’s something like Target, but without the extensive clothing, hardware and housewares line–and it is a whole lot smaller. Maybe it’s more like Walgreens, but upscale. It’s hard to tell. (The website proclaims drug store, but it is […]
I dream of…
…a weeknight evening when I’m not doing laundry.
A silly dream I suppose, but right now its the only time I have to do laundy and i find it incredibly BORING!
If you are amongst the few undecided voters in the United States who are viewing this blog, I want to point out that one of the great American values is freedom of speech and expression — and that not only must one have the freedom to say what you want to say, one must have […]
I happened to look out the windows this afternoon on the train, and I can only say that the fall colors in this area are every bit as spectacular as the colors in Indiana… it’s beautiful here!
How are colors in your neck of the woods?
I learned a quick and simple lesson at German class today. Unfortunately it is the second or third time I have failed to learn my lesson, so I could only be considered a fool.
The principle is KISS-or, as you all know, Keep It Simple Stupid.
I fail to do this. We were supposed to […]
Hi everyone it’s the CQ hijaking the blog yet again with a slightly interesting story to tell regarding what happened last Monday night (October 18).
It was an otherwise normal evening with me sitting in my den taking in some TV that I recorded. While sitting there enjoying my dinner I suddenly hear a rather […]
So after yesterday’s English language book festival, I thought it was time to write about the first Deutsch Buch I bought.
Kennst du das? is a cute (and inexpensive, at 5€ ) book with words and pictures. Yes… it is a kids book that shows me different items with the correct word immediately below them. […]
I thought I’d run down a list of pleasure books that I’ve read recently–recently being defined as “since I moved to Germany.” There are surprisingly few of them because: (a) most of my reading is academic, (b) I treasure all of my English language books since they are hard to come by, and (c) I […]
Happy News!
I am not the only fag in the State of Thüringen.
After buying a pair of blue jeans, eating some Chinese food, and attending the OktoberFest in Erfut, Katya and I ended up at Etc-Test-It, the hippest and gayest (err… Schwule-ist) nightclub in Erfurt.
It was open!
There were two dance floors!
There […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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