
October 2004



I was going to write a long and brilliant entry this afternoon, but my train from Jena to Weimar was about 4 minutes late, which was just long enough for my connecting train, from Weimar to Weimar (don’t ask) to leave as I was about to run up the stairs to catch it. That meant […]

Blue Jeans

I had been thinking about buying another pair of pants just to buy another pair of pants, but the last time I went clothes shopping in Erfurt, I couldn’t make up my mind–so I didn’t buy a pair.

Much to my surprise, I now must buy a pair of blue jeans. I just realized that […]


Article: Are Normal Narcissists Psychologically Healthy?: Self-Esteem Matters. (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004: 87 (no. 3), 400-416.

Quick Takes

So, I am going to write this entry in about 15 minutes, without writing a paragraph longer than two sentences, each one a different topic.

1) The Ticket Controller on the train was too cheerful this morning: She shouted “Thank You” at everybody on the car when it was clear most of us wanted to […]

Praha IV: Gejzee.. r

It was Pink Army Night at Gejzee.. r, the gay club I went out to Saturday night-and I had a blast. In fact, I think the fact that I was alone caused me to lose a lot of my personal inhibitions. Usually I hate the idea of dancing, drinking, and hanging out with total strangers, […]

Site Changes

Hi everybody: At the request of one of the regular readers, I have changed the web site so that every time you click on a link on the homepage, it will open in a new window.

This request was made several months ago, and I hadn’t gotten around to figuring out how to do this […]

Praha III: Highs and Lows

Friday morning I woke up late – well, late for me. I was out of bed at 8, but not really wanting to do anything since my haircut was scheduled for 9. I managed to restrain myself by watching morning Czech TV and looking out the window. I walked down to the salon and got […]

Praha II: Street Wandering

So, after I had settled into my room, which basically involved taking everything except the guidebooks out of my backpack, I wandered off to do things around Praha. My first stop was at a hair salon down the street where I was able to use my freshly learned knowledge of how to tell time in […]

Praha I: Getting There

I suspect that my trip report about Prague will last several days, principally because I do not have enough time to write all of it tonight-but in summary, Prague might be the most beautiful city I have visited in my life.

It is humbling to realize that the journey I took wasn’t possible until after […]

