We’re battling insurgents in Falluja and it’s on CNN, sharing the spotlight with Arafat’s illness.
My prediction: We might win the battle, but we’re going to lose the war. It’s hard to liberate a city when most of the civilians don’t want to be liberated. See Viet Nam.
Also–today we were talking about food and cities in German class, for example, Hamburg and Hamburgers. Wien and Wiener Schnitzel. For Berlin there is the Berliner, and when I said, “Ich bin ein Berliner,” our fabulous teacher corrected me. I was surprised, she did not seem to know of John F. Kennedy’s speech at Brandenburg Gate.
“i am a giant jelly doughnut” is what i was told that ich bin ein Berliner meant…am i right? you make me giggle.
Amazing – we are at war and CNN does not send me “Breaking News” updates. Michael Jackson blows his nose? I get a “Breaking News” update. Where are our priorities? *ACK!*