CQ here hijaking the blog again… I really need my own, ja?
It’s really sad when television stations in the US feel compelled to cancel the broadcast of a great movie like “Saving Private Ryan” because they fear retribution by the FCC because of the violence and profanity contained in the movie. Justified violence and profanity, I say, as the movie is a very real portrayal of what war is and can be. This isn’t portrayal of violence for violence sake. I could understand the pre-empting of, “Saving Ryan’s Privates” but that’s a different issue.
Apparently the realistic portrayal of war would offend folks in the “Red” states where most of the pre-empting is occuring and thus fear of FCC fines has been generated ala Janet Jackson’s boobie. Of course, these are the same folks that think it’s o.k. to let George Bush prevent the American people from seeing flag draped coffins coming back from Iraq. We must sanitize the whole issue of war because we wouldn’t want people to know the truth, would we?
This is the sort of thing that just shows how unpatriotic the Bush administration is. Those Red states just drag the rest of us down.
Good Grief… Amerika sucks when tv station owners just “think” there might be a problem.