My blog has been, for the last week, under attack with pings.
Most of the time you do not see “pings”–they are a feature used for Trackbacks, which is a method by which I can see who has linked to my blog from other parts of the web. I used to have trackbacks easily accessed from the homepage, but after realizing nobody was trackingback (either that or my software didn’t pick up the trackbacks properly–which is partially true), I opted to make the trackbacks less visible.
Anyhow, the online gambling consortium and wedding dress industry has figured out how to ping me in such a way that I do see the trackback messages–so I have closed off pings for all posts over 5 days old, as well as comments (somebody wrote code to do this!)–and after an hours worth of work, I have killed all the poker/texas hold’em pings on my blog. (They only attacked posts since mid-December, thank god!)
However, I have two Prom and Wedding Dress pings somewhere on my blog, and I cannot find them–but I can say this, if you are a friend of mine in the market for either a prom or wedding dress, please do not use the web to find your dress: the fitting rooms are too small and the service is shitty.
Next time I get tired of watching grass grow, I’ll find the damned things!
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