Ok, I wish I could attend this event, even though I’m not quite sure what it is:
Hi! My name is (name deleted), I’m an intern for Planned Parenthood and this spring, in April, we are putting on a Campus Condom Hunt. We would love if you could help us out by volunteering and helping out with our event. There is a volunteer meeting on Tuesday, March 1st, at 6:45pm in the Sasafras Room at the Union. We would really appreciate it if you could come out to the meeting to find out what its all about and hopefully help us out. Heres the information about the actual Hunt:
When: Saturday, April 2, 2005 @ 2pm
Where: IU Campus
Really fun tshirts will be available at the volunteer meeting for $9. If you could pass this on to the members of your organization we would really appreciate it! Thanks!
Questions: Will the condoms be new or used? How can I get a t-shirt from Germany? Where will the condoms be hidden? Do we get to keep them? Use them on the spot? Inquiring minds want to know!
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