Sunday was an interesting day because last week I noticed an advertisement for a Kloßmuseum. Kloß are potato dumplings-and as it turns out, probably my favorite way to eat potatoes.
Fortunately for me, Anja was willing to go to the museum with me-thus solving my most immediate problem with visiting the museum: it’s out in […]
I promised Anja that I would write about our Sunday adventures today, but I am going to break the promise—I didn’t get home until now (11pm) because I ended up going out to dinner with a couple of colleagues from the office and missing the 9:15 train, which meant I had to catch the 10:15 […]
One of the biggest problems facing gay literature today is that much of it focuses on a few narrow themes:
1) Erotica: Not that this is bad, considering it’s Masturbation Month, but regardless of where I’ve looked-big chain stores in the USA, independent gay bookstores in the States and abroad-a large percentage of the material […]
I can’t believe it… Indiana will have daylight savings time starting next year!
Indiana is joining the modern world!
Now to hope for the Eastern Time Zone.
One year ago today I converted elmada.com into a blog.
I still like the results!
The Smart Car!
This is the Smart Car that my sister and I rented for two days and 200 kilometers. You can read about when I rented the SmartCar, or its fuel efficency.
Other Photos
My sister and I bought one half dozen eggs, and to our amazement, all of the […]
I didn’t post the fact that I was sick this week, but I was sicker than a dog. On Tuesday I took a nap from 6 to 9pm, and when I woke up at 9, I was under my heavy blanket curled into fetal position trying to keep warm. I took a nice hot shower, […]
Yes, it’s Masturbation Month again!
I’ll be jerkin it for a good cause– your pledges will help. If you pledge $5 a minute, I promise you it won’t cost you more than $2.50.
Cleaning the keyboard.
That will be 50 cents, please!
Dresden is a perplexing city.
Within 15 minutes I had said to myself, “What a charming, wonderful city!” and “This city is depressing.”
Both statements were valid for where I was standing at the time.
Dresden was an unlucky city-for most of World War II, it survived undamaged until February 13, 1945 when in two […]
It’s been a long year and a half since I first encountered a Kai Tracid video, tracked him down, got copies of his CDs, learned what Trance/Acid music was, moved to Germany, and then kept track of his schedule learning that he was nearby in Leipzig, but I wasn’t able to go (no German skills, […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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