
August 2005


Drunk, Wandertag

I’ve ordered four gin and tonics, drunk three (one fell on the ground and shattered the glass).


Pizza from Joeys with Olives and Mushrooms.

Katya and i had a good night.

Tomorrow is Wandertag: office hiking day. 8:30 to 5:30.

Pat Robertson: Right!

Southern Decadence Originally uploaded by EgOiStE.

Ok, I am about to admit that Pat Robertson was right.

And yes, I am getting over a cold, but no, the cold didn’t cause my thought process on this point.

The fact is that Pat Robertson messed up three minor details in a prediction: the date, […]

Support Our Troops

Why has “supporting our troops” been taken over by the Republicans?

I think if the United States learned anything from the Vietnam War, it’s that we can distinguish between the troops who are fighting in a war and the authority figures who are perpetrating the war.

During the First Gulf War there was wide spread […]

On the Upswing

I knew I was getting better when upon waking up this morning, my first urge was to do the laundry.

In fact, I have finished three loads and am now washing the fourth-which contain, most importantly of all, my sheets-meaning that I will not be reinfecting myself when I go to bed tonight.

Actually I […]


I know I’m sick when I feel like my greatest achievement of the day was going to the supermarket and buying two packages of tissues because I was almost out.

So far I’ve spent the vast majority of today asleep.

Unfortunately this means I am not going to participate at all in Christopher Street Days.



See Spell with flickr


Ich bin Krank.

I am sick–not in a major way, but I am staying in tonight in the hopes that I do not get worse.

Weekend Plans

This is going to be an exciting weekend!

Friday evening I am going over to Erfurt for three exciting events-the first is my journey to see the CDU candidate for German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

Yes, Germany is in the midst of an exciting election campaign, and although I have no vote whatsoever, I am watching […]

WiFi Acting Up

I might post something longer in a spell, but the WiFi in my apartment has been acting up–so if it dies before I finish writing, I’ll post something tomorrow morning, my time.


Take Photo Here: Also Bad Direction!

Originally uploaded by elmada.

As you can tell, I took a trip last weekend. I relied upon map24.de to get us to the southern reaches of Bavaria, using their directions to navigate from Nüremburg right through the heart of Munich right during Friday’s rush hour without any […]