
September 2005



Today I was called a “memme.”

By a nurse, in German. I was in the process of going from a bright red shade of pink to a pale white.

Yes, I was having blood taken, taken for a test to see if anything obvious was causing my problem: I have an itchy patch of skin […]

Amsterdam, Again

I’ve been to Amsterdam too many times for me to be able to write about it from a naïve tourist’s point of view. Mateo and I had a few short hours to do the express tour of Amsterdam-which included a tour of the Anne Frank House-we were incredibly lucky, because there was no line when […]


So, I finish writing a report and need to email from my office email account since that’s where I had the email address stored. It was working when I started writing the report, an hour later, the account was down and has yet to come back up. I tried to find the email address elsewhere, […]

Hurricane Housing

I got home from work today and in my inbox was a request from MoveOn.Org to help identify housing that isn’t shared in its listings. I also found a few amusing listings that I thought I’d share…

RUSTIC cabin for 2+ persons. I began renovations two years ago and they were not finished.(PHD student lived […]


So, no long entry today, just letting you know that I’ve uploaded a few more photos from my trip, including one of Hungarian Candy! Check out Flickr!


It’s amazing how much I remember about Bratislava from my ~18 hour visit a few years back-and its amazing how much the city has progressed. I would say that the city looks remarkably better over the past several years. I cannot put my finger on any one thing to justify my opinion, it’s just a […]

Wahl ’05

I just got home about an hour ago, and have turned on the television to watch election results.

The results: At least four different parties are claiming victory of some kind–the Left for getting as many votes as they did. The FDP (Yellow) for their best performance ever. The SPD because the CDU/CSU did not […]

La Fée Verte

I didn’t mention it in any of the posts I put up Wednesday, my first day back on the net, but Mateo was winging his way back to the states as I posted the entries. He was still flying home when I wrote this entry. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to post it until today, […]

gay Köln

I’m spending tonight in Köln which is a fantastically beautiful city.

It’s also a city with at least four rent boy gay bars within a three block radius of my hotel, and, surprisingly, no gay dance club near here. I’m disappointed for while I enjoy hustler bars and talking to hookers, I’m not in the […]

gay Bratislava

The trouble, for me, started when I made the mistake of complementing a local’s cool hair style – and in fact, I did like his hair. However, I didn’t necessarily want to have sex with him.

Unfortunately he thought I did.

Monday night Mateo and I were enjoying the friendly underground confines of the Apollon […]