Ah, sorry about the silence for the past few days, but I wanted to let the bad teachers post stay at the top for a bit of extra time. After thinking about it for a little while, I wonder if the bad eight-grade social studies teacher was actually named Mrs. Stephenson not Mrs. Stephens. Either way she ought to have been fired for the crack-pipe crack.
Anyhow, I would be remiss if I did not mention MT, who once had an excellent blog but decided to quit. She’s ok, although the winds from the storm that passed through Evansville, Indiana, did deposit some debris on her front porch. The tornado caused at least 22 deaths and a lot of damage.
Yep! We are alive. I plan on bringing Swampgoddess back on line at Christmas. By then, all of the annoying students will have forgotten about the blog. 😉