Obviously, in the past, I have not enjoyed Berlin.
The last three times I was in Berlin (admittedly an airport was involved each time), it was overcast, the streets were wet, and I got depressed.
This time spring is here: the sun is out, and it is beautiful.
At least here in Weimar.
I am […]
I'd use his used…
My last post accidentally grossed out the female portion of my readership when I briefly left open the possibility that I might buy used underwear. They were relieved when I slammed the door shut in the closing parenthetical thought.
However, I did not mean to slam the door.
I […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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