

Home Ill

So I seem to have a mild cold / sore throat when I woke up (Thanks to MT for sharing over 4,600 miles), so I stayed home and read Betty Friedan‘s book, The Feminine Mystique.

I was shocked to find out that women do not find staying at home preggers and cooking all the time to be fulfilling!

Of course, I still fail to understand how women get pregnant… but that’s something I’ll never understand.

6 comments to Home Ill

  • koko

    I am with you…I don’t know how they get all knocked up anyway…well I guess I just don’t understand WHY they want to be knocked up.


  • Ed

    Adam, eat some chicken noodle soup and use some throat spray. I hope you feel better soon. When I was a child I hoped women got preggers from kissing, when my worst fears were realized I was glad to be Gay!

  • B.

    pregnancy… it’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it. heh.

  • MT

    Kids are great … as long as they are somebody else’s. LOL!

  • Fortunately staying home for a day seems to have kept the illness from being nothing beyond a stuffed head. I love Sudafed.

    I was stuck on a train last week where there was a group which made a strong argument for post-natal abortion. However, I would have chosen the older irresponsible subjects over the younger irresponsible subjects as the targets.

  • ed: From my experience women do get pregnant from kissing. At least that was the first step.

    Well, maybe the tequila was the first step.