

Chernobyl: 20 Years


Chornobyl Children's Memorial

April 26, 1986;
Discovered by Sweden April 27.

Learn More: Wikipedia | SDC | Kid of Speed
My visit to the Chernobyl Museum in Kyiv | My Flickr Pics

3 comments to Chernobyl: 20 Years

  • For those of you tracking this closely, it is posted slightly early–by about three hours in Germany, and 9 hours for US Eastern Time. I cheated and changed the date and time of the posting.

  • Ed

    Not to change the subject but David Boreanez, who played Angel on Buffy and is now on Bones.(Really that’s the name of the show) was on Ellen Degeneres show today. He is still a hottie.

  • ChrisC

    You didn’t change the timestamp, all the background radiation from Chernobyl is wreaking havoc on your machine.