I took a walk today, going from Weimar to Hopfgarten, a village that is about 5km west of Weimar along the train tracks. I also took a few photos, but have been too lazy to download the pictures to my computer, so you’ll have to wait.
Hope you had a great Sunday!
PS- Hopfgarten was […]
They’re working on building the new apartment building on my block.
They started at 07:00.
On Saturday.
As some of you might have observed from my recent blog entries, I’ve been doing some odd-ball reading of late—and lest you think my odd-ball reading is coming to an end, it has not, nor will it for a few days.
Today I read the first chapter of Todd Gitlin’s book, The Sixties: Years of […]
American Citzens living abroad can vote.
Please visit Vote From Abroad for details.
Last night I read, cover to cover, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, a classic 1955 novel by Sloan Wilson. The book made a huge splash when it was first published and was turned into a movie starring Gregory Peck a year later.
The thing I found most remarkable about the book, beyond the […]
So I seem to have a mild cold / sore throat when I woke up (Thanks to MT for sharing over 4,600 miles), so I stayed home and read Betty Friedan‘s book, The Feminine Mystique.
I was shocked to find out that women do not find staying at home preggers and cooking all the time […]
So I told one of my colleagues today that, “I ate out my fridge this weekend.”
Berliner Dom & Fernsehturm
Originally uploaded by elmada.
Wherever you go in Germany, it’s hard to miss the fact that Germany is hosting the 2006 FIFA World Cup.
Yup, it’s football time, and I don’t mean the American kind, I mean that kind Americans call soccer.
The trains are marked with the World […]
Originally uploaded by elmada.
I’ve now been to beautiful Leipzig three time, and I can honestly say that Leipzig is by far the nicest major city I’ve visited in Germany—unlikely the overly large and spread out Berlin, or the All Business All The Time Frankfurt, Leipzig seems to have a human scale.
Happy Easter to everybody!
I’d like to share Easter Greetings from President George W. Bush — so head on over to WeeklyRadioAddress.com to hear a short (less than two minutes) message from Dear Leader that is fully in the spirit of Easter.
(Straight to the Audio Page.)
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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