Hi Everybody!
I’m alive and in Yerevan. I have a lot to say, but I am tired and I do not wish to spend too much time on the computer. In fact, the only thing I want to do on the computer is check my email, but I cannot since for some reason secured connections are not going through on here, and the only way to check any of my email accounts is to enter with a secured connection.
Very Odd.
Lots to say–just not right now.
hooray! I can’t wait to hear about your adventures! stay safe and have fun starshine!
jena in the former DDR? wow, i am jealous. I have Warsaw pact envy!!!!!!
i’ll be back!!
Missing the blog entries already!
Yes, it is the Jena in Thuringen, former DDR–but right now I’m even deeper inside the former USSR.
well Adam….
looks like you haven’t escaped the email OCD!…welcome to the gang!..have fun in Armenia and keep posting..its high time you had a blackberry man!!
Adam, don’t get to deep inside 😉
miss your blog, miss you
why don’t you fly back via Moscow or Kyiv?
Prashu: I have to keep checking because email from one important person keeps getting caught in the IU spam filter, and I have to make sure I catch it, and the spam filter deletes items after five days, thus meaning at least once every five days, I have to look at my spam.
Katya- I am flying back via Moscow on Aeroflot, but I only have 3 or 4 hours at SVO2. I should have set up the trip with a stopover in Moscow, but unfortunately it is now too late.