Here’s an amusing thing for you to consider.
In the apartment I live in, one rents the space that includes the rooms, including a room that can be used as a kitchen. The kitchen one must buy—in my flat’s case, the kitchen was bought from the previous owner.
This is an important detail because in the past week I suddenly realized that the kitchen sink’s faucet was on the verge of dying, so I called to see if it could be repaired. After about five seconds of examination, the Hausmeister declared it to be “defekt.” And then the hand wrangling began.
At first it appeared that because the repairs would cost more than 80€ the owner of the building would pay for it, because the occupant is only responsible for repairs that cost less than 80€.
One wonders how often the repairs come in at 79,95€.
Sadly, that wasn’t true: the kitchen counters, cabinets, refrigerator, stove, and sink are not owned by the building owner. Had it been a “defekt” bathroom sink, then he would have owned it.
The new kitchen faucet and installation is tomorrow—100€.
Too bad it isn’t this way in America. I wouldn’t have to worry about remodeling my kitchen then… the new owner would simply bring theirs with them.
Oddly this detail about European living I knew about. Apparently you buy your cabinets etc. and move them from place to place as you change residence. I think this is how IKEA came up with the idea of hangers for the cabinets. You simply put the hanger on the wall and lift the cabinet up and place it on the hanger. Much easier to install than the American way of doing it which seemingly involves a lot of cussing, a midget, and a guy named Bubba displaying plumbers crack.
Go Bubba, go! Gotta’ love the plumber’s butt, esp. on the thong-decorated asses of undergraduate females. I still don’t understand the appeal of butt floss.
And yes, I would never buy a used thong. {Wink, Wink}
I’m pretty sure I’ve mumbled about this before–now that I think about it.
One thing all German houses and apartments seem to lack are built in closets. You are expected to buy your own furniture and move it around.