
December 2006


Ready, Set…

I’m ready to go. Really. Today I woke up obscenely early, putzed around, did a load of laundry, packed my suitcase, started another load of laundy, popped down to the Weihnachtsmarkt for a present (I decided I would only buy it if I had space in the suitcase, and I did!), had lunch, came home, did another load of laundry, baked a Pound Cake (five eggs—gone), ran the dishwasher, put the last few items in the suitcase, and… well, I’m ready to go.

Tomorrow I’ll go to work in the morning—I have a few things I need to do, German class to attend, and then off to Frankfurt I go. Once there, I’ll check in to the hotel and then go shopping. I need to buy some Ritter Sport to give away as random presents, and find dinner.

Expect blogging to be light this week.

9 comments to Ready, Set…

  • B.

    Ahhh, Ritter Sport… I love their logo: “Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.”

    (Square. Practical. Good. – for all your north american readers)

    Enjoy your travels!

  • B.

    Ahhh, Ritter Sport… I love their logo: “Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.”

    (Square. Practical. Good. – for all your north american readers)

    Enjoy your travels!

  • Ed

    I have a Beer Stein that I received from my German Aunt, Louise. It has on the lid a guy straddling a barrel and words that look like: In Freud’ und Leid, Trinkalle Zeit. A man on the side with a mustache sitting at a table with a Stein and leaning on his elbo. He is wearing what looks like to me a very Bavarian type hat and his coat is buttoned up except for over his stomach wear it is gaping open with red undershirt showing through. If anyone can tell me what it says and what it is about please accept my thanks in advance. Adam, have a good trip to Frankfurt.

  • safe travels my love…

    also…i’m really craving some duplo. i don’t know if my oma will send me any this year 🙁 leeee sigh. i’m so needy 🙁


  • Adam Capell

    I had you in SPEA, and was catching up on your blog! I love it!

    Have a great day!


  • MT

    I wants me some Ritter Sport. {Sniff} Too bad you will be so far away.

  • Who taught you how to make pound cake? Most men don’t have a clue! What’s your recipe? I love it (reminds me of home) but I don’t know how to make it. Have a great time in Frankfurt and if you want excellent food with very interesting surroundings, try Hemingway’s, modeled after Ernest Hemingway and his travels.

  • Ed- Koko can translate for you; or I will do it later. I am too tired right now to think in German.

    Koko- Next time I hit Bton, Duplo is yours.

    Adam- Glad you found the blog–sorry your comment was held in the queue–the word hello was in the wrong box.

    MT- Next time– or in South Africa.

    Schokolade Madchen: Pound cake is obscenely easy–I use the Fanny Farmer cookbook, making adjustments to do it in hybrid metric/English measurements. I do want to know where Hemingway’s is — I have not found a single restaurant in Frankfurt that I am enthusiastic about returning to; in fact the places I return to are the “least worst” of the bunch. Berlin is a place where I keep going to the same places over and over again.


    Westhafen Pier
    Rotfeder-Ring 13
    60327 Frankfurt a. M.
    Tel.: 069 / 240 097 96

    If you go, let me know what you think!