
February 2007


Guess Where!

There are only so many ways to say it—I’m back home. Again.

My trip from Brussels to Weimar was happily uneventful. I was absorbed reading State of the Union, a book I picked up in Brussels.

It’s been a great day, and as far as I am concerned, the day is done. I am not staying up late for tomorrow I must get up early and head to the office.

I hope you enjoy a quiet and uneventful Sunday.

6 comments to Guess Where!

  • Ed

    Here in the States it is Super Bowl Sunday so the whole country is nucking Futz.
    I’ll watch to see the ads but don’t really care who wins. I know it will be a Midwest team.
    Do you think that most guys use condoms in those dark rooms? I’d be afraid they would pretend too but really wouldn’t bother.

  • Screw the SuperBowl.

    As for condoms in dark rooms — i would guess that fewer people use them than should, but I am not really a dark room expert.

  • mateo

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!!! Hope it’s a good one for you!

  • Yes, happy birthday. Now I’ll be able to note it and hopefully remember all on my own next year.

    I always remember February, but usually not the specific date. *blush*

  • gosh!

    thanks everybody!

  • […] I managed to avoid the issue accidentally. I was so intent on finishing the aforementioned State of the Union (despite painfully obvious foreshadowing, it’s a good book with a relevant […]