After reading Jonathan Swift’s brilliant analysis of the brand new, completely accurate, Conservapedia, I thought I’d poke around a bit.
The unbiased and extremely brief biography of George W. Bush notes:
For many months after John Kerry conceded the outcome of the 2004 election to George W. Bush, some liberals continued to claim that the election had somehow been stolen by voter fraud. When Al Gore went on a speaking tour in 2006 to promote government controls over industry in the name of global warming, many liberal fans greeted him with the belief that he had somehow won the election in 2000.
Looking under Bill Clinton, I found the following gem:
Bill Clinton managed to serve two terms without botching the prosecution of two wars, manipulating intelligence, engaging in a systematic program of torture, or mishandling the federal response to flooding of a major American city. Obviously, he is the devil incarnate. Clinton also attempted to use the American military to kill Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, an action which was properly seen as a mere attempt to distract the nation from the Monica Lewisnky scandal.
Obviously, there’s been some hacking, especially when you read about the United Kingdom:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland is a nation formed by the conquest of inferior races by the English, although its first King was the Scottish confirmed bachelor King James. As a constitutional monarchy, it enjoys the benefit of the most perfect system of government known to man.
Hahaha I like how they give definition to these certain people and places
the problem is that people will believe the rubbish in it.
people who believe it, get what they deserve… although those that do believe it scare me.