Today was an exhausting day—and the weather could not have been better!
I have not regretted leaving my heavy winter coat back in Deutschland.
Anyhow, I got up early this morning—5:30 early, the second day in a row that I’ve woken up at that time. It’s actually progress because the previous two days, I woke up at 3:30. If all goes as planned tonight, I should be sleeping in a whole lot later tomorrow, as I am going off to the movies.
Since I studiously avoid talking about work, I like to imagine that all of you reading this think that all I am doing is having fun. Trust me, it’s not all fun, but I can block time quite effectively to gain free time.
Today, once my meeting was over, I headed to Eyebeam, a gallery located on West 21st street, to see their current exhibition, Open City: Tools for Public Action. The exhibit presents us with how creativity is done in public spaces to the unsuspecting public. Example number one: Improv Everywhere, the group I mentioned yesterday. But they were not the only group shown; others included a team of people who installed extra objects on the streets of London or replicating in the real world, the red pins that Google Maps uses to mark specific points.
My favorite was a German group that washed the windshields of Berlin’s trams and U-Bahn trains—without permission. Given that this was Germany, the reactions of the drivers was somewhat suspicious. In particular the driver Police Van that had its windows washed just started driving as soon as the guys got out from in front of the vehicle—taking the water bucket with him. No “honest living” allowed there!
Once I finished my celebrity chasing, I headed north and walked across Central Park—and might I just say, it could not have been a more perfect day and the park was packed with people enjoying the bright sunshine. I too enjoyed what I could before finding my way back to the hotel to relax.
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