
May 2007


It’s raining.

It’s Monday, and after a weekend of absolutely, positively, fantastic weather, it cooled off and started drizzling today.

Sorry about my silence over the weekend, but Saturday I helped my friend Anja move. She has rented a fabulous flat in Jena and needed to move in her bed, desk, and a couch, along with a few other assorted items that wouldn’t fit in a car. It took three trips to her parents house to get all of the items—the weather cooperated perfectly with no rain whatsoever and temperatures that did not sink so low as to require additional clothing and were not so hot that we were miserable.

Sunday I spent over four hours at the Weimar Office working—enjoying a cup of coffee and the occasional bits of eye-candy. Whilst working I listened to an endless variety of tunes—songs came up that I hadn’t heard in a long time. The time was pleasant and I got a whole lot more done than I expected, which was only a good thing. Later in the afternoon I headed to Erfurt and hung out with Cathy for a spell.

Tomorrow is my last day in Weimar for a week and a half. Wednesday I head to Rotterdam; Thursday I have meetings in a nearby city. Thursday and Saturday are also the Eurovision contest, the most important night of the year in Europe. I have no idea who I expect to win, although I suspect my current favorite, “Vampires are Alive” will probably not win.

Of course, after the CQ is done with his “fly, fly, fly, fly, fly”ing next Friday (which oddly will seem more like Saturday to me), I will pick him up Saturday morning at the airport and head into that sinful city, Amsterdam for an afternoon of tourism, red lights, and a stop at a “coffee” shop, no doubt. Hopefully he’ll enjoy the Eurovision finals with me Saturday night—meaning that somehow his two trips to Europe will have coincided with the contest.

Tomorrow’s agenda: laundry, packing, and work.

4 comments to It’s raining.

  • Odd how I end up viewing Eurovision anytime I’m in Europe. I need to change that.

    I’ll probably be functional but pass out about as deeply as I did when I got to sleep in London the first night.

  • if we do not see eachother before u are flying_AGAIN_ have a safe trip take care and enjoy.

  • After the fab weather as well last weekend, we are having bits of storm now but at least it is nice to cool things a bit as well!

  • J

    I’m off to the beach too. Not a northern Europe beach, though. A real beach!