In case you hadn’t noticed, I kind of took the weekend off from blogging. That’s not to say I didn’t take the weekend off—at least not the entire weekend.
Friday I got to be present at one of America’s traditional rights of passage: a sixteen year old getting his drivers license. It was, oddly, anti-climatic.
I didn’t get my drivers license when I was 16. I put off getting it, I believe, until I was 20. I never took a classroom defensive driving course either—at the time it wouldn’t have made a lick of difference in my insurance rates. Since then I haven’t had a single speeding ticket or single warning to my life—so no reason for my insurance rates to go up, nor any reason to actually take a defensive driving course.
Saturday I got up relatively early and headed to the Leonard Springs Nature Park, a well hidden small park at the southwestern edge of Bloomington. I was the only car in the parking lot, and after my hour long hike, I felt like the only person to have visited the park in eons: every 30-40 feet I would walk through a spider web that crossed the path. By the time I got back to my car, my glasses had a thousand fine lines across them and I was in need of another shower.
The rest of the day was, relatively speaking, quiet. I actually cannot remember what happened. Surely I did something, but I am at a loss to tell you what.
I’d tell you about Sunday, but I am pleased to report that nothing happened. I read the newspaper, I ate lunch, dinner, surfed the net, read a book, and generally did not do much that was exciting.
I also didn’t get a drivers license at 16….fancy that 🙂
I didn’t get my drivers license until I was 20 either. Is that a gay thing?
The Spiders rebuild their webs every night. You must have been the first person to use the trail that day.
I didn’t get my drivers license until I was 20 either. Is that a gay thing?
The Spiders rebuild their webs every night. You must have been the first person to use the trail that day.
I got my driving license at 16. How else would I have been able to go to gay bars and strip clubs? My mother was certainly not going to drive me!
Adam, I’m glad that you enjoyed the naturist park. Next time, be sure to go when some others are around so that they can take photos of you to post on the web.
@koko: awe!
@Ed: I doubt it’s gay…
@Reko: It is not a Naturist park. it was a “Nature Park” as opposed to one with lawns and places to play soccer.
Jen and I have grown to love Leonard Springs. We love to take out-of-towners there in order to show them how beautiful Indiana can be.
@vinnie: it is an excellent piece of Indiana… very tranquil and beautiful.