
August 2007


Photo Friday: Oddity

Public Typewriter

Public access typewriters are now an oddity.

Photo Friday Entry (#82) | elmada.com Home

7 comments to Photo Friday: Oddity

  • Ed

    That Typewriter looks like it could have been used to write the Gettysburg Address. My mom still uses her Typewriter even though I’ve shown her how much better the computer is. She an only hunt and peck as she quit high school to get married before typing class started. Damn, I’m so white trash.

  • David

    Lady, How goes? Come visit me.

  • David

    Lady, How goes? Come visit me.

  • where is that, and why do they put it up outside like a piece of art?

  • Ed

    I got the scoop on the Macri’s Deli Closing. It’s hard to believe.
    It was Thurday Evening August 2nd. Several customers had ordered dinner and were enjoying their drinks when the Manager burst out of the kitchen and said sorry folks you’ll have to leave we are closing down. It was quite a shock even the employees were caught of guard. You’d think they would have had the decency to wait until after closing time to make the announcement

  • @ed: I learned to type on a manual typewriter and I am thankful my mother made me learn how to type. It’s been a lifesaver.

    @david: I’m on my way.

    @anki: it’s in Weimar, and it was near the Park an der Ilm. I don’t know if it is still there.

    @ed: what a strange way to close… very sad for the employees.

  • @david: wait! you aren’t the david I thought you were… how are you? I’ll come your way in Winter…