I’ve done a lot of walking since getting to DC—visiting a lot of places and doing a lot of things: Arlington, Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, World War II Memorial, and Korean War Memorial—to name a few.
All of this time I’ve been wondering to myself the very question posed in the comments by Ed: What will the memorial for Iraq look like? And, When will it be built?
It’s a frustrating question to consider; yet it is coming.
I saw a bumper sticker that read: stop this endless war but had the end part marked off and the word use written above it. I like the one that reads: 01-20-09 the end of an error.
OOps I forget to add .net at the end of my e-mail address and now I have to type the whole thing over again, arrrrgh!
I think the memorial will probably be George Bush and Dick Cheney standing on either side of a barrel of oil with a big dollar sign over the top of it. I’d speculate that a small version of the Halliburton campus could be placed in the background.
The plaque could read, “Don’t mess with Texas…” or something.
Or maybe Bush shaking the hand of the Exxon CEO as money falls out of both of their sleeves.