
November 2007


Yearning to…

One of the best things about my trip to Dresden was the fact that I went to the Think Pink dance party and had, fort he most part, a great time.

It put me in a dancing state-of-mind.

Unfortunately it’s a state-of-mind that cannot be resolved in Weimar, it requires travel. I even went so […]

Early Sunsets

It’s definitely dark early here.

I stayed in Weimar today, and in the late afternoon I had a hankering for fresh veggies to include with my dinner, so I slipped on my iPod and headed to the nearest grocery store, where I picked up a head of lettuce, some peppers, and an avocado.

Dinner was […]

Early Objector

I did not learn how to drive until I was at least 20 years old. It was probably more like 21—and then I made up for all the driving I didn’t do between 16 and 21, by driving more in the next three years that most people drive in their entire lives.

Soon after getting […]


Ok, here’s the deal: The next time I see somebody’s dog shit on the sidewalk and not pick it up, I am going to pick it up for them and smear it all over their clothing and/or make them eat it for dinner.

You would think that people in a First World nation like Germany, […]

Dresden Photos

I finally uploaded a few photos from Dresden. One is below, the rest are on my Flickr Dresden Set.

ONN: Thanksgiving Traditions!

Americans Enjoying Thanksgiving Tradition Of Sitting Around At Airport


I’ve always known that there are differences between US and British English—quaint differences that make the English’s English sound funny to the American Ear, and I’m not just talking about the accent—the accent only serves to make me drool.

Take for example the fact that British people put their groceries in a boot—I don’t know […]

More on Dresden

The Whiney Expat Blogger Meet-Up was, in my personal estimation, a great success.

It was great meeting Eurotrippen’s B again; seeing the Big Wide World’s Cathy somewhere other than the Erfut-Weimar-Jena triad; and then catching up with people I’ve only read before (Germany Doesn’t Suck’s J; Mausi; and C N Heidelberg), as well as people […]

Weimar. Montag Abend: Art, or we will die

As a part of the Monday Night Lectures at the ACC in Weimar, this Monday the lecture is about Israeli Art and how it is affected by death, terrorism, and war.

Monday, 19 November, 20:00, Free, in English. Learn More.

A Colorado Kind of Evening

I could write a lot about the Whiney Ex-Pat Blogger Meet-Up in Dresden, but I figure that there were ten bloggers running around in a pack, and since we’re all writers, it’s going to be covered in a variety of ways over the next week.

Obviously, with an introduction like that, this will not really […]