Slowly, but surely, I am getting caught up on my email and other crap. I still have the work email accounts to check, but I’m a little bit scared to look at them.
Right now I’m at what used to be the “Gay Diedrichs,” but is now the gay Dazbog—a coffee shop located at 9th and Downing in Denver. It’s right across the street from a grocery store that is affectionately known as “Queen Soopers.”
I really adore spaces like this—it’s a large coffee shop with lots of seating, and, as I write this at 10 on a Saturday morning, it is packed—stuffed to the gills with gay men. There are a lot of things I like about this place—like the fact that I can get soy milk lattes, something I cannot get at the Weimar Office (although I’ve been promised, for months, that it is soon going to be in stock). It’s also full of incredibly cute men. Instead of the Herr Salmon and the DPD delivery guy, I have a plethora of things to look at and drool over.
There is something incredibly invigorating about being in a vibrant gay scene—despite the knowledge that in one week I will be back in Weimar.
Actually the thought of going back to Weimar is both sad (lack of gay scene) and happy (sleeping in my own bed, eating real bread, and being able to tune out all the conversations around me).
I’ve been stocking up on DVDs—I bought the Back to the Future trilogy, the X-Men trilogy, and the complete Father Ted series. Hopefully it will keep me entertained through the long winter evenings ahead—along with all the other DVDs I already own.
Every time we visit the U.S. that shocks the heck out of me at the airports. Sensory overload!
The complete Father Ted series, what a delightful gift to yourself.
The episode with the multiplying rabbits in season two remains my all-time favorite.
@cliff1976: Actually, one of the things I adore best about not knowing german is being able to tune it out when I am concentrating and working on something. It’s very annoying when there is a table of english speakers at the coffee shop in Weimar and I am trying to work….
@heather: I love the song for europe episode the most. The rabbit one is quite cute.
Enjoy the Denver Fever (hmm i kinda like this term) while it lasts.
I actually had to check where Weimar is…Sorry I didn’t know where it is.
Happy New Year!