The Miserable Dienstleistung of my German Bank has forced my hand on a number of fronts—like curbing my wanderlust this weekend.
I now know that it takes only 3 weeks before my urge to go kicks in and I want to go, but thanks to the Miserable Dienstleistung, I’ve had to use my American card for a plane ticket, and I don’t want to use it again—there’s only so much cash in America and moving money around is a pain in the arse.
And yes, there is the EC (US: Debit/Maestro) Card, but when I travel I tend to have multiple lines of defense: Cash, EC Card, German Credit Card, and, in the case of dire emergencies, my American Credit Card. Since the last is off-limits, and the Miserable Dienstleistung has resulted in no German Credit Card, I am down to two lines of defense, one too few.
Meanwhile I spent the first part of my evening making future travel plans: A room reserved in the City of Lights, and an apartment reserved in Berlin for my mid-February trip.
The Berlin trip is so that I can renew my passport; my current one is slowly closing in on expiration and is starting to fall apart from over use.
I was going to make a quick run to Leipzig and the G-Garage tonight, but my friend is out of town and I wanted to go with him; we’re going to go next Friday instead. It’s not actually that heart breaking because it’s windy, cold, and rainy here, and walking around is not a great deal of fun.
Looks like you’re having the same kind of boring night that I’m having. The Coach is away and it’s too cold to go find soemthing to do. Me thinks I’ll read a book.
@disenchanted: I had Angel with me last night 🙂
Fancy that. I had him with me also (only I was watching Bones).
Berlin can’t wait to see ya!