The photo below the fold might be considered NSFW in America. However I did take the photo on the streets of Rotterdam where it is in full view of everybody, including kids.
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Meneer Adam, Groetjes! I take it that you are back among the Dutchies. Beware of their treacherous ways!
zomg! lololol!
Must get one of those huge honking ‘toys’ – it would make a great lawn ornament. 😀
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… sorry for the offtopic. you might delete the commentary if you like. it was easyer to use the comments-field than to look up your emial adress on the site 🙂
@Reko: treacherous dutch ways? What do the dutch do that is treacherous? I love the Dutchies!
@koko: wanna a present? 😉
@disenchanted: I wonder how long it would stay on your lawn before being stolen or defiled.
@Sven: Perhaps… it depends when they are scheduled and my mood. If it were today, there would be zero chance. My email address is described, not hyperlinked, in the “About Me” box, top right of the main page.
@Disenchanted: Gee, match this with the curtains you have on your stairway landing and you truly would be living in the home of the Whore of Babylon. *grins*