WordPress Convert I finally decided that I couldn’t deal with the latest MovableType upgrades — and that it was too complicated to do things I thought should be easy, so I decided to change software. So many people use WordPress and don’t seem to have issues, that I’m going to gamble on it.
Please bare with me as I mess around with it, getting the design I want.
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
Well, I wouldn’t say that WordPress has no issues… it just has different issues. 🙂
I switched back and forth a couple of times, and ended up sticking with WordPress. It’s simpler, and if you have some special thing you want, chances are someone has already written a plugin to do it.
I’m glad you’ve switched. Commenting is much faster! 🙂 I enjoy wordpress myself.
I’ve got three words for your new blog: byoo – tee – full
Thanks for publishing a comments feed now!
I’ve been quite satisfied with WP since I switched from Blogger several months ago.
@Scott: WordPress 2.6.2 is so much easier than MovableType 4.2xx that I cannot begin to compare. MT might be better for some specific cases, but for a low volume blogger like me, this is heaven.
@koko: I am glad it is faster!
@Reko: Donkey-Chain
@cliff: you’re welcome….
@J: I cannot compare to blogger, but from an end-user standpoint, I find blogger blogs annoying to comment on!
I agree Blogger blogs are super irritating to comment on! Sometimes when they come up in new windows, I can’t even scroll down to actually comment. Hope you like WordPress – it works amazingly for me. And the plugins do anything that is missing. If you want some plug in suggestions, let me know. =)