Reading British websites always amuses me because their culture must be more paranoid than American culture. Take this disclaimer from the Café Rouge website:
All of our dishes are prepared in kitchen where nuts, flour etc are commonly used so unfortunately we cannot guarantee our dishes will be free of traces of these products. Olives may contain stones. Fish and meat dishes may contain bones. All dishes may contain items not mentioned in the menu description.
Excellent. I guess they just wanted to cover their asses in every possible way so when someone says “Hey, this isn’t what I ordered!” they can just reply “Well, we told you so.”
I always thought the USA and Canada were more freaky abouts stuff like nut allergies/gluten free etc, but maybe not.
that’s just gross. “excuse me waiter, there’s a femur in my burger.”
@christina: the UK makes me smile every moment of every day. When watching BBC News, they warn you if a story is going to contain strobe lighting…
@jen: it’s CYA–i doubt the bones show up. that often… I’ll find out soon enough.
[…] Really, this stuff only happens in Britain—as I noted earlier this week, Britain is somehow more paranoid than America. […]
Holy grossness, Batman! Talk about ass-coverage!