
January 2009


Compare & Contrast

2 Rooms, Attic Apartment

2 Rooms, Attic Apartment

2 Rooms, Attic Apartment

2 Rooms, Attic Apartment

What do you think?

10 comments to Compare & Contrast

  • The second one. Definitely the second one.

    Of course that is based on the floor plan, if there are other considerations (noise, etc.) I’d also take that into account as I make a decision.

  • #2; I HATE having the computer/workspace in my living room!!!

  • Ohm definitely the second one. It has much better use of space! Are you moving?


  • G

    All else equal the second by far. Much better use of space. Without a roommate, why waste space on the bedroom when you can use it on living?

  • Ed

    I don’t know German but it looks like Bad means Bath and if so why is the tub so far from the wall in both of them? I like the 2nd as well but you know what they say, location, location, location!

  • Quick German Translations:

    “Wohen” = Livingroom

    “Bad” = Bathroom

    “Schlafen” = Bedroom

    “Kochen/Essen”, literally “Cooking/Eating” aka Kitchen

    “Arbeiten” = Work (work space)

    “Gartenrobe” = Coat Rack space

    “EBK” = Built in Kitchen (Not common in Germany)

    AR/Abstell/Abstellk. = Storage Space.

    Those little boxes in the second floor plan indicate built in bookcases in the wall.

  • koko

    easy choice…2nd

  • The extra Abstellkammer in the second one is nice, plus having a Garderobe area might be a plus. Smaller, closed off rooms might be a minus though (if the two are to scale). Also, I like having the skylights spread out over more of the apartment — provided the light can travel from room to room. That was a big plus in our old apartment and one of the things I’ll miss the most in the new one.

  • I like the second one.
    But I warn you about the top floor of any German building in summer. Many of them could easily be considered a sauna, without the wonderful attributes… except the heat of course. Make sure you have good cross-ventilation.

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