As observed yesterday, I had a really good trip to the States.
That said, I am relieved to be back home before the Swine Flu Paranoia hits level six—or is that level 7? The rate at which concern about the disease has exploded is somewhat shocking to me—Of course, I’m writing this at 40,000 feet […]
In just a few hours I’ll be leaving the Windy City—headed back home and to meet the Cynical Queer.
My time in Chicago has been good and productive—even as damaged by an unusually severe case of jetlag. I didn’t accomplish everything on my agenda—but it was given that this was impossible. Instead I’ve made a […]
Ok, I want to get this out of the way up front: I am not a vegetarian.
There, I’ve said it, and in the next breath, for the second night in a row I found myself, and a book, at The Chicago Diner.
It’s been meat free since 1983, vegan friendly, and rather close to […]
American Gothic 3D
Just as it starts spitting…
Everybody loves RATS!
I've never seen anything like it in Germany, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, … you get the idea.
Saturday was perfect.
I really have no explanation but something’s gone wrong with me this trip and I have not made a speedy change to Chicago Time.
Instead I am stuck on some time zone somewhere between home and here—I would guess Newfoundland, given that I have woken up Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before 5—as in 5 am.
It’s 9:15, and I have been at Caribou Coffee on Broadway since it opened at 6:30.
Yes, that’s early—especially for a Saturday morning, but I crashed and burned last night, falling asleep before 11. There was no dancing involved, just pure beautiful jetlag that resulted in me waking up at 4, when I spent some […]
I have to admit it—I love my iPhone, even if I do not use it to its full capabilities.
Really, its one of the few things I’ve bought because I fell in love with it—certainly the calling plan I signed up for isn’t the greatest, but it fits my needs. Right after I picked up […]
Plane has technical fault- problem with a battery charger. KLM pilot came out & apologized. Problem already fixed. >>
Results in @KLM, @GoodPilotNews, and @visitholland following you.
Or not.
It’s actually been a really cool Thursday, despite an alarm clock going off at 4.
I trundled off to Tegel, got on a plane, flew for an hour, and then had a three hour layover—before I got on a big blue 747-400 to head over the North Atlantic, and in my own […]
Tomorrow I head up to Berlin for an evening with Snooker, a short nap in bed, and then an early flight taking me to my next destination.
Right now I’m packed—filled up the suitcase and ready to go.
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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