
May 2009



At Regensburg Dult

At Regensburg Dult

Living in Weimar, I am rarely, if ever, exposed to the stereotypical Bavarian Lederhosen—the clothing that most Americans associate with Germans in Germany—the leather pants, suspenders, and funky shirt on a dude, while the girls wear a dress that enhances their own endowments and looks like it came straight out of the middle ages.

Honestly when I first moved to Germany, I expected to see such clothing, but it turns out that Thuringen isn’t known for Lederhosen—it’s known for Bratwurst.

Given a choice between a cultural heritage one eats and a cultural heritage one wears, I think I would choose the eating heritage over the wearing heritage because as I know myself, I know that if I were to actually live in Regensburg or another Bavarian community, I would have already purchased the complete Lederhosen kit including pants, shoes, socks, shirt, and jacket.

I actually started pricing the whole kit and kaboodle out whist in Regensburg, and here is a simple fact: mass produced, crappy department store pants cost a mere 179€, never mind the rest of the show.

And the thing is, it’s cute.

Emo + Lederhosen = ???

Emo + Lederhosen = ???

As it happens, my visit to the Regensbloggers coincided with a local street market and carnival called the Dult—which started off with a parade of people dressed up in costume, and ended, at the fair grounds with the usual suspects: Ferris Wheel, bumper cars, and shit for sale.

The fairgrounds were packed—I visited the fair with Jul of This nonAmerican Life, and we wandered around looking at the stuff for sale (does anybody actually buy a fireplace at the fair? Or a mailbox?) and at the people walking around the fair.

I was taken with the Emo wearing the full costume because really, Emos don’t like to be part of anything larger, unless it’s a pack of other Emos—and doing something mainstream would, I think, ostracize an Emo from what few friends the stereotypical Emo has.

Meanwhile the best thing we found for sale at the fair is on display over with Jul: Looking for a gift for that loved one with swine flu? Be sure to check it out!

4 comments to LederLove

  • >sigh< Serious lack of cleavage in that photo, Adam. I know that’s not exactly a top-shelf priority of yours, but think of your readers! OK, some of them…

  • koko

    I can say growing up in america with all the traditional german clothing was a target for making fun. I was often seen in both the male and female outfits (lederhosen only when i was a toddler). Now I very much appreciate those outfits, but at the time I was picked on greatly. I think the dresses are hot.

  • May I just say that I am jealous you got to hang out with not ONLY the Regensbloggers… but ALSO Jul!

  • @ian: people are interested in cleavage?

    @koko: I want to see you wear it.

    @Snooker: It was a dream come true for me! YOu too will have your turn one day…