Every year Weimar holds pèlerinages—an annual Kunstfest–that is, arts festival.
The arts festival fits in: Weimar is the European Capital of Culture (1999), and anything that preserves and protects the city’s image as a center of high culture is to be endorsed and adored.
It’s three weeks of music, exhibitions, dance, literature, discussion, and film seeping out of every crevice. If there’s a hole in the wall, look through it and see an art exhibit; if there’s a stage you can be sure it will be performed upon.
It’s also not enough to leave existing art alone.
That’s why Goethe and Schiller are now sharing their pedestal with Franz Liszt.
Goethe and Schiller are lucky; apparently the duo are too important to cover up. Slightly lesser Gods (or, perhaps, Saints, since we are talking about “Unseren Hausheiligen”) have had (temporary) head replacements, while tertiary deities remain unchanged.
Are they intimating that Liszt is not important enough to have his own stand-alone statue?
But Liszt does have his own statue! 24/7, 365…