Dear Mayor Wolf and Fellow Citizens,
I’ve had a great six years living in Weimar, European Capital of Culture, 1999. The city is beautiful, the people friendly, and parks plentiful. Even as I move to Berlin, I will always have a place in my heart for Weimar. That said, I hope that Weimar finds a vision for its future: Weimar lives and revels in the past: Goethe, Schiller, and the Bauhaus. Please find something for the future—an economy based only on history does not create opportunity. Weimar is too nice a city to be lost to history.
I’ll be back!
A love letter.
On a totally unrelated subject, do you think the German lawsuit against Google is the reason there are no Street View sites for German cities?
…And that on my friend Tegan’s art-postcard! Beautiful. Fare well, Adam, you are always welcome to visit.
starman- Thanks. As for Google not having street view–I don’t know. I recall seeing some news articles on the topic, plus I think Google is in hot water for collecting some information illegally, but I can’t really speculate on why there’s no street view here.
nts- I hope she doesn’t object. I love the postcard!
reas this post before, but somehow never scrolled it down to read the letter. Did it now and understand hpw I feel.
have you published a letter anywhere other than the blog? the buergermeister might need to take a look at it…
I only published it here — I hope he sees it one day, but I suspect that the people of Weimar love wallowing in the history of Goethe and Schiller too much to ever escape it.