
July 2010


A Question About Doing Laundry: What to Buy?

The last time I moved, I moved three blocks and it cost me 50€ to fix my washing machine, and the dryer never got fixed because most of the time I could hang my clothes on a rack, open the windows, and all would be dry within a few hours—or if it was July, 15 […]

I surf too much…

So I wrote awhile back about my internet solution for my temporary home and how fantastic it is.

Well, I ran into a problem: it has a 3GB per month limit and I hit the limit last week.

I’d been careful for the most part, but there’s a slight problem with iTunes: when I connect […]

Progress is my middle name.

I have news, of sorts, concerning my apartment search.

I’m going to move soon. I haven’t seen the contract yet and I haven’t paid my deposit yet, but in theory, on Thursday, I will take possession of an apartment here in Berlin.

As I doesn’t want to reveal my specific living location (unless there are […]

Playing Tourist In Berlin

Right now I have a guest and have been busy being the consummate host, all while working.

Fortunately my guest is able to navigate fairly well without me having gone to Potsdam, the Museum for Communication, and the Dali exhibition without me. Together we visited the DDR Museum and the Pergamon Museum. I rested for […]


Work and guest visitation are keeping me busy this week. Yesterday I played Tourist in Berlin for the first time in a long time, seeing lots of sites in one afternoon and doing a lot of walking.

It is always sobering to walk through the site below; fortunately it was one of the last things […]

I often ignore people in wheelchairs.

He hid his disability.

Today, for the second time in two days, I have completely ignored somebody in a wheelchair who was begging for money.

Actually I didn’t ignore either of them: today I shook my head as I walked around his cleverly placed to block walking wheelchair. Yesterday I shook my head no […]

What do these two things have in common?


I received word yesterday that Garry, a colleague, who was the fiancée of another colleague, died last Thursday evening.

It’s difficult to really put my feelings in words: Garry’s death means the loss of somebody worthy of spending time with.

I can only imagine it’s even more painful for his fiancée, a woman whose family […]

Seen Saturday at Karstadt

"Fans and air conditioners are sold out"

Liberalism as a threat to American Midwestern cities.

One of my friends posted a Tweet pointing to a fascinating op-ed piece, Liberalism Threatens Evansville, by Audrey Andress at the Independence Times, a blog that is “your source for news in Evansville and the surrounding area.” For those of you unfamiliar with Evansville, it is in the southwestern corner of Indiana and is the […]