
August 2010


Current Light Fixtures


Kitchen Light Wires

3 meters above my head.


Hallway light wires

The hallway is quite dark at night.

Living room

Living room light wires

Too bad I don't want the light hanging below this point.

Pictures of the apartment will come along in a week or so, once I have washed and put away all my dishes, removed empty boxes to my cellar storage space, and otherwise cleaned.

6 comments to Current Light Fixtures

  • We have a few of these in our apartment STILL…they look like big effing creepy spiders when you’re really tired…

  • AnkiH

    What do you mean you won’t be hanging any light below that beautiful and gorgeous stucco point? Well, scap it off and have it send to Weimar immediately.

    How is the unpacking of the boxes – do you find everything I packed and hid in them?

  • Ted

    The person before you shouldn’t have removed the light fixtures. The landlord should have to replace them. It shouldn’t cost you anything. That ceiling medallion cries out for a crystal chandelier.

  • CN Heidelberg – I never thought of them that way, but now that you mention it… Yeech!

    AnkiH – Bring a ladder and have at it 😉 The problem is that it’s in the middle of the room that I’ve subdivided into living room and dining room, and I want a light over the dining room table. I’ve not spotted anything strange in the kitchen boxes — I’ve emptied two out of three. The book boxes must wait. And the other boxes didn’t seem to have anything out of the ordinary.

    Ted – Perhaps in the United States, but this is… Germany. Light fixtures belong to the renters not to the landlords. I’ve even toured empty apartments where the bathroom had no light, so I feel fortunate that I have light in my bathroom.

  • Ted

    So people take the light fixtures with them when they move because they know that the place they are moving will have had its light fixtures removed? Let’s just put a stop to this and leave the light fixtures alone, all right? I mean I know there are only 50 cycles instead of 60 there but some civility must be shown.

    • Ah, but the thing is, I’m investing well over 100€ in light fixtures. You can be sure that I will be taking mine with me to my next apartment, assuming I stay in Germany/Europe.

      It’s like the kitchens — many apartments in Germany have a space that could be a kitchen, but are lacking cabinets, counters, a stove, or, in many cases, even a sink. Never mind a fridge. It’s the culture.