
October 2010


Gotta Adjust Myself

I have to admit that fall has really snuck up on me – not temperature wise, but light wise.

The temperatures really dropped in August and I’ll readily admit to having worn sweaters and long-sleeved shirts in August and September in order to keep warm. I managed to hold off turning on the heat until October—just barely. Right now I have the heat on low in my bathroom and a smidgen of heat in the living room as well. It’s not cold enough for me to shut the bedroom window yet.

However what is bedeviling me is the darkness—already.

The first few weeks of this I find it difficult to motivate myself in the mornings and difficult to want to stay out in the evenings—I go into some kind of hibernation mode.

So if you need me, I’ll be on the couch tonight.

7 comments to Gotta Adjust Myself

  • Jen

    Yeah, me too. It really hit me this week when I’ve been going out in the evenings and it’s getting dark by 7 or 7:30. Sigh.

  • Hibernation? You’re a bear. But we knew that.

  • I keep waiting for fall to get here. It was 90F today. I have to keep reminding myself it’s the middle of October and not the end of August.

  • I know just how you feel… It’s scary that this darkness is already so tough to handle and we still have the fun of setting the clocks back. I’m in sofa mood, too (well, sofa and red wine mood!)

  • Glad to see I’m not the only one ready to hibernate. I thought it was just because I’m a fresh off the boat Australian who isn’t used to the German autumns, which are colder than her Sydney winters.
    Still haven’t resorted to turning the heating on, but may have to do that very soon.

  • Jen – Just wait for the end of daylight savings time!

    headbang8 – I really left myself open for that one. And I left my eyes open doing it. Where’s my cub?

    Cynical Queer – 90F?!?!?!?! geesh!

    Snooker – 😉

    Emily – the clocks falling back… it happens so late. and it will be so dark so early. *sigh* I’m a white wine kind of guy.

    Riayn – Welcome to Germany! You’ve picked a great city and I’m sorry that you just missed the expat blogger meet-up, which was in Hamburg this year. As for the cold/light situation–I’ll get used to the light and in a week or two I won’t notice it any more. (And, btw, congratulations: your comment was my 8,000th comment! Thanks!)