15 Influential Authors, in no particular order / via Resident on Earth:
- Richard Bradford (Red Sky At Morning)
- Robert Lawson
- Tom Sharpe
- Dan Savage
- David Sedaris
- Anthony Bidulka
- David Levithan
- Donald Westlake
- Janet Evanovich
- Richard Florida
- Sarah Vowell
- E. B. White
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Richard Feynman
- Harriet (Stratemeyer) Adams
I’ll be the first to admit that I copied two (but one would have been on my list no matter what), and that some of my choices are either scientists hard at work, or obscure in some other fashion…
I didn’t get invited, so I’ll only list ten. And I’m sure my list will show how dated I am.
Ross MacDonald
Raymond Chandler
Ken Kesey
Tom Robbins
Gregory McDonald
E.B. White
James Thurber
Samuel Beckett
Thornton Wilder
John Irving
Overnight I remembered…
Joseph Heller
Kurt Vonnegut
So I’m up to 12. Still dated mid-20th century.
Ah, Dan Savage and Sarah Vowell are awesome! I first found Dan when I lived in Seattle 15 years ago and he had this call-in radio show on Sunday nights on a local university radio station (the predecessor to his podcast, I guess).