It happens to me quite often, of late: I am somewhere. Let’s say the Turkish Supermarket, Monday evening at 7:30, and I suddenly realize that I have never before been happier in my life.
And in truth this spontaneous joy is happening to me surprisingly often of late.
This stands in stark contrast to Peter […]
At the office Friday afternoon, as I was leaving, I stuck my head in to say good-bye for the weekend to one of my football (as in soccer) loving colleagues. I know he’s a football fan because last summer he watched all of the football matches, live from South Africa.
This year the Women’s World […]
I won’t try to justify it – but instead of watching this year’s Christopher Street Days Parade (the mainstream one) go through Berlin, I bought a ticket and jumped onboard the Official Lady Gaga Truck.
The weather was optimal – it never rained, but it never got excessively hot, so there wasn’t a problem with […]
Upon further reflection, I have to confess, I really enjoyed the Fotomarathon – far more than I expected, and unless the Fotomarathon coincides with CSD 2012 (Berlin’s Gay Pride parade and celebration), I will definitely do it again next year.
I say that, even as I remember that it took far more out of me […]
About a week ago I noticed a new sign posted on the bulletin board vaguely near the mailboxes in my apartment building. Usually the things pinned to the bulletin board are of no interest to me and/or are out of date. Nicely, though, out of date things are usually promptly removed.
The arrival of the […]
Joad Cressbeckler: Homosexuality A Necessity On Cold Mountaintops
Last weekend, while in Sweden, my hosts took me on a driving tour of Sweden.
Honestly, I hadn’t really prepared for my trip to Sweden—no studying of attractions in southern Sweden, no reading up on Lund, and no stereotypes of Sweden.
So everything was a surprise – and it occurred to me, far too late […]
My muscles are surprisingly sore today. I hadn’t expected this after taking 24 photographs around Berlin yesterday for the Berlin Fotomarathon.
For a quick recap: the Fotomarathon is an event where you take 24 photos, in sequence, that illustrate specific themes or ideas, that all some how fit into one larger, overall motto. At the […]
Dear Public Transportation Managers (Swedish ones, in particular),
Please do not stop selling tickets for riding the bus on the bus unless you have realistic alternatives available.
This past weekend I arrived in Lund, Sweden, via train from Copenhagen. My destination was suburban Lund, accessible only via bus as the friend I was visiting is, […]
I’m not a hetero male blogger claiming to be lesbian, deaf, or kidnapped.
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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