
June 2011


Currently, I am the polar opposite of Peter Gibbons.

It happens to me quite often, of late: I am somewhere. Let’s say the Turkish Supermarket, Monday evening at 7:30, and I suddenly realize that I have never before been happier in my life.

And in truth this spontaneous joy is happening to me surprisingly often of late.

This stands in stark contrast to Peter […]

Commentary on the Women’s World Cup, Part 1 of

At the office Friday afternoon, as I was leaving, I stuck my head in to say good-bye for the weekend to one of my football (as in soccer) loving colleagues. I know he’s a football fan because last summer he watched all of the football matches, live from South Africa.

This year the Women’s World […]

CSD 2011, Berlin, as seen from the Official Lady Gaga Truck

I won’t try to justify it – but instead of watching this year’s Christopher Street Days Parade (the mainstream one) go through Berlin, I bought a ticket and jumped onboard the Official Lady Gaga Truck.

The weather was optimal – it never rained, but it never got excessively hot, so there wasn’t a problem with […]

Things I can say, Six Days after #11FMB

Upon further reflection, I have to confess, I really enjoyed the Fotomarathon – far more than I expected, and unless the Fotomarathon coincides with CSD 2012 (Berlin’s Gay Pride parade and celebration), I will definitely do it again next year.

I say that, even as I remember that it took far more out of me […]

German Promptness and Courtyard Rennovation

About a week ago I noticed a new sign posted on the bulletin board vaguely near the mailboxes in my apartment building. Usually the things pinned to the bulletin board are of no interest to me and/or are out of date. Nicely, though, out of date things are usually promptly removed.

The arrival of the […]

Joad Cressbeckler informs NOM that homosexuality is necessary!

Joad Cressbeckler: Homosexuality A Necessity On Cold Mountaintops

Visiting Kåsehuvud & Sweden

Last weekend, while in Sweden, my hosts took me on a driving tour of Sweden.

Honestly, I hadn’t really prepared for my trip to Sweden—no studying of attractions in southern Sweden, no reading up on Lund, and no stereotypes of Sweden.

So everything was a surprise – and it occurred to me, far too late […]

My #11FMB (2011 Fotomarathon Berlin) Day

My muscles are surprisingly sore today. I hadn’t expected this after taking 24 photographs around Berlin yesterday for the Berlin Fotomarathon.

For a quick recap: the Fotomarathon is an event where you take 24 photos, in sequence, that illustrate specific themes or ideas, that all some how fit into one larger, overall motto. At the […]

A Letter to Stadstrafiken – Public Transport for Lund, Sweden

Dear Public Transportation Managers (Swedish ones, in particular),

Please do not stop selling tickets for riding the bus on the bus unless you have realistic alternatives available.

This past weekend I arrived in Lund, Sweden, via train from Copenhagen. My destination was suburban Lund, accessible only via bus as the friend I was visiting is, […]

Yes, I am gay. Yes, I am male. Yes, I hear. Yes, I’m an American in Berlin.

I’m not a hetero male blogger claiming to be lesbian, deaf, or kidnapped.