I want to start a UW GLBT Alumni Group of some kind, modeled after ones at other universities—most notably (at least from my perspective), the one at Indiana University Bloomington.
Typing the words “university of wyoming glbt” into Google (as of 31 July 2011) results in the first hit being the Matthew Shepard Wikipedia page […]
Apparently energy-saving light bulbs do not like to be installed in bathroom fixtures. The electricity was fine. The switch, fine. There was juice at the bulb.
I have a new, non-energy-saving bulb in my bathroom ceiling fixture.
So… here’s the deal: Last Saturday morning, I woke up and took a shower in my bathroom. The light in the ceiling worked. After my shower, I left the bathroom and turned off the light.
Some (undetermined) time later I returned to the bathroom, turned on the switch, but there was no light from the […]
One of my favorite blogs is the “rants and raves of a kenyan gay man”, which is written by a man in Kenya who’s gay and, as far as I can tell, “out” in that one in Kenya is out, which is to say, not really.
Or, as he puts it:
In the wider scheme […]
Last night I headed over to see the Berlin Fotomarathon’s exhibition.
Although I could have cheated and looked at the chart indicating where the my photos were displayed, I opted to just wander and be surprised.
It was really excellent seeing all of the creative genius on display. Clearly I am not […]
Tuesday evening HUK24, my German insurance company, sent me two messages to my private email address, essentially identical, each saying:
Sehr geehrter Herr Lederer,
wir haben Ihre Beitragsrechnung in Ihrem HUK24-Postfach abgelegt.
Um Ihre Nachricht abzurufen, loggen Sie sich bitte auf unserer Internetseite in Ihren Servicebereich “Meine HUK24” ein und wählen Sie anschließend die Option […]
One of the hard parts of being an expat is that the people you are closest to – often other expats – are the most likely to pack up and move.
This very week two expat friends are going repat: moving back to their native lands. One is a fellow blogger and American, the other […]
In my experience, once you’ve filed your 1040 in the United States, you never hear from the IRS again, unless you’ve done something stupid (like forget to sign the form – see my 2009 1040), or they’re auditing you (never happened to me-save for a screwball thing with the State of Colorado a few years […]
With living in an international city I’ve become accustomed to the fact that there are multilingual signs everywhere you would expect to find them: the train station (German, English, and French), the airport (German and English), and the Turkish Supermarket (Turkish and German).
However, I’m not offended when something is solely in German – say, […]
A couple weeks ago (and 6 posts ago), I talked about my electricity consumption here in Berlin and how I was expected to use 1,523 kWh – 23 more than predicted a year ago:
So this week I updated my meter reading, at their request, and was rewarded with the news that they now expect […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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