
September 2011


I went to WYOMING!!!!!!

Wyoming Fruit & Veg Co.

The Wyoming Fruit & Veg Co. -- with fireworks. Authentically Wyoming, for those in the know!

Wyoming Fishing Area

Wyoming Fishing Area - Hunting & Fishing is authentic Wyoming recreation!

Of course, this Wyoming is a city (or village) in Rhode Island.

I’ve now been to all 48 contiguous United States.

5 comments to I went to WYOMING!!!!!!

  • That’s quite a feat. Just watch out for the contagious ones.

  • Reko

    Congratulations, Adamo-san! Now you can begin only visiting all of the Bundesländer of Austria and all of the provinces of Uzbekistan.

  • Now to get the remaining two.

    I could make a special trip to get 3 of the 5 lower 48 states I’m missing since they are grouped nicely in the northeast, but the other two are harder. North Dakota (least visited of all states) and Wisconsin are still on my list. I had intended to catch Wisconsin during a visit to my father near Chicago, but he passed away in April so trips to Illinois (and quick out and backs to Wisconsin) are probably less likely now.

    Have you seen the phenomenon that is people getting in a car and driving to all the lower 48 as efficiently as possible? I also read a story of a guy that traveled to all 50 states in one week as his vacation, which hardly seems relaxing to me.

    Related to the driving thing is driving to all counties in a state as efficiently as possible. I’ve still not found a route that would take me to all 58 California counties in 58 hours. There is a problem with two mountain ranges and lack of roads over either. The most efficient route I’ve found thus far is about 2/3 as long as visiting the lower 48 by car.

  • […] included my stop in Wyoming – which was easily the most important stop on my tour of Rhode […]

  • Irish Berliner – I stay away from anything that’s catching…

    Reko – Where are you with respect to the provinces of Uzbekistan?

    Cynical Queer – I am not aware of people trying to get all 48 as efficiently as possible– certainly I didn’t. As for counties? I have no interest in pulling that off in any state — maybe Wyoming (it only has 23 and I’ve already nailed a huge percentage of them). For Indiana, though, there are 92 counties and it just isn’t worth it.