
February 2012


18:00 CET Times Two – 10:00 in the Mountain Time Zone

Sorry about my silence, but I’ve been without Internet access since leaving Laramie, and, as such, have a pile of email to look through.

As such, this will be just a quick run-down of what I’ve been up to at 18:00 CET/ 10:00 MST for three days straight.

The Saturday photo would be here, but it’s still on my camera and I’m not in a position to take the photo off my camera right now.

Saturday I was strategizing over my suitcase. While in Colorado, I’ve done quite well at the local thrift shops – including a number of short sleeved shirts – something on my shopping list, as well as long sleeved shirts and a bargain pair of blue jeans – that fit my slimmer (but no less weighty) self perfectly. At the time I thought to myself that I had successfully made it – but, in truth, I discovered later that I failed and have had to acquire a second suitcase to check on my way back to Europe.

In that sense, this trip has been a total and colossal failure: not only am I leaving Colorado with one more suitcase than I arrived with, I’m also leaving with my large European Grocery Bag holding a piece of bubble wrapped art – a gift from my mother.

Never before have I acquired so much stuff that I am doomed to lug with me across the United States.

Reading A Book

Sunday morning, at 10, I was reading a book: Surely You Must Be Joking, Mr. Feynman — a repeat read for sure, but one of my favorites as he relates his experiences with both science and the world.

It was a relaxing pause and, to be honest, I almost forgot to take the photo – I’d lost track of time and looked up and suddenly realize it was 9:58 and I didn’t even have a camera of any kind within arm’s reach.

I quickly corrected that and returned to my spot on the couch.

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