
February 2012


18:00 CET – In Motion

UA 767-300 from 14D

For six nights in a row this week, I will not be sleeping in the same bed twice – right now I’m half way through this travel marathon and I am looking forward to being at rest, somewhere.

Monday at 10:00 Mountain Standard Time I was in Denver, specifically at the airport, sitting in seat 14D of a (true) United Airlines 767-300. Departure time was scheduled for 10:11 for my flight to Chicago O’Hare – and, I believe, we left a few minutes late and arrived a few minutes late.

Funny enough, I no longer think of a 2 hour, 13 minute, gate-to-gate flight as “long” – actually, it’s short. Enough time, however, to get work done, eat a snack on the plane, and try to relax.

My trip Monday was, for reasons I will not disclose here, one of the most stressful trips I have ever taken. Nothing external, just something internal for me.

I have to say that the flight attendants were fantastic: One went out of her way to explain quite nicely to a young girl (sitting in a car seat) that although it might be fun to kick the seat in front of her, that it wouldn’t be nice to the man sitting there. And the thing was, she could have said it meanly, but it was done incredibly nicely – in fact, it was a “secondary” topic – she’d shown up and talked to the girl and got her excited about the flight first, and then presented this request as a huge favor to the flight attendant! Mad Props to the flight attendant for a job well done.

Leg room

Right now I’m in Bloomington – ahead of schedule, but happily knocking chores off of my to-do list, and I am, for the first time in awhile, in a position to take photos off of my camera – so you get to see the photo I took Saturday below.

My suitcase on Saturday

Happy trails!

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