Wow – It’s been a very busy Tuesday. I had a total of ten specific tasks that I needed (or wanted) to do in Bloomington – an incredible range of activities – some fast, some not. Some never happened – and were replaced with alternative activities.
Honestly, I’ve never done so much in so little time.
18:00 CET in Bloomington is 12:00 – and I was at Chili’s enjoying lunch with a friend and colleague – she’s camera shy (and I am not really interested in putting people on my blog all too often) and so our drinks are on full display here. I ordered the Southwestern Egg Rolls, which is my favorite item on the Chili’s menu, and the only reason I would ever go there to eat.
After having coffee with That Pain in the Ass Vegan, The Travelling PhD and I headed to the IU campus in order to see The PhD Movie – honestly, this was the biggest surprise of my trip: the one night I was in Bloomington was the one night the movie was in Bloomington – so I convinced my dinner friends to join me for a late dinner, after the movie.
The movie itself was excellent – clearly an amateur production but cute. The movie is a non-animated take of the most excellent comic, the PhD Comics. The IU showing of the movie was packed – 95% graduate students, 1% faculty, 3% post-docs, 1% people like me, and, last but not least – there was not a single undergraduate in the audience!
I’d say more about the movie, but it’s closing in on midnight and I need to get some sleep.
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