This year is the 775th anniversary of Berlin, and, as in every year, there are a ton of events going on: Berlin Marathon, Christopher Street Days, the Entzaubert alternative DIY GLBT film festival, fireworks, and the Festival of Lights – to name a few.
But clearly, all of these events are competing to be the second best event in Berlin this year because the best is, hands down, no questions asked: WEBMU 2012.
Yes, the Whiney Expatriate Blogger Meet Up is going to be in Berlin this fall – with the only remaining question being, “When?”
If you’re an English language blogger, based in Germany, I’d like to invite you to pop on over to the WEBMU 2012 Planning Forum to vote on a date.
Right now two weekends in September are tied for first place… maybe weekends in October will make a come-from-behind dash and win first place?
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