
November 2012


Flying Pam Ann

Pam Ann

my ticket!

Wednesday night I finally saw a comedian that I’ve wanted to see for years: Pam Ann.

Given how much I love travel, in particular, flying, let me just say that Pam Ann is a comedian right up my alley. She does comedy that is based on the airline industry, poking fun at the differences between Lufthansa, Virgin Atlantic, and British Airways.

At the show she sussed out that the audience included staff from air berlin, Lufthansa, Air France (Luis), Austrian, and Ethiad. It wasn’t the most airline crew heavy audience – but it’s Berlin and Berlin isn’t a major international hub, per se. Instead she delivered a nice rant about the strangeness that is Berlin Tegal Airport and its hexagon, followed by the obvious question about when the hell Berlin Brandenburg International will open.

The most impressive aspect of Pam Ann’s performance was how she interacted with her audience – she loves what she does and she loves her audience – and the audience worked with her. She spoke to most of the people in the front row and managed to remember their names – shouting out to all of them at the end of the show. Sitting in the front row would have had the perks of getting Champaign or other perks associated with first class – I was sitting in economy, as so, at best, Ferrero Rocher balls were thrown at us, although none landed anywhere near where I was sitting.

Pam Ann clearly knows that most of her fans are gay. This was readily apparent in the first minutes of her performance when she immediately started off with a number of gay sex jokes. She then gave a short nod to the fact that there were a few straight people in the audience (I’d bet that no more than 15% of the audience was straight), telling them that shouldn’t explain all of the gay things she was explaining but that they should google “gay twink power bottom” when they got home.

I’ve wanted to see her for a few years, missing her somewhere in England by a day and once in Denver by a day. It was a dream come true.

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